Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):
Cormac McCarthy. All the Pretty Horses. The United States: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992.
J. Sheridan Le Fanu. “An account of some strange disturbances in Aungier Street”, 1853, WikiSource website, viewed October 2022. (
BBC News. “The Queen's advice on wearing a crown – BBC News”. YouTube website, January 12, 2018, viewed October 2022. (
Jennifer Kerslake. “Tin Man”. Harper's Bazaar website. July 28, 2021, viewed October 2022. (
Jacinda Ardern. “Harvard Commencement Speech – Democracy, disinformation and kindness”, The official website of the New Zealand Government, May 27, 2022, viewed October 2022. (
Simon Sinek. “We Need Difficult Conversations, Simon Sinek“, YouTube website, February 18, 2022, viewed October 2022. (
Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse Jacinda Ardern’s “Harvard Commencement
Speech – Democracy, disinformation and kindness” and discuss how to ensure democracy and dialogue in
Part of your essay must focus on how the speaker uses her own background.
In addition your essay must include an analysis of the style of writing in lines
Your essay must include references to:
Jacinda Ardern’s speech
Video: “We Need Difficult Conversations, Simon Sinek“
Jacinda Ardern. “Harvard Commencement Speech – Democracy, disinformation and kindness”, a speech from The official website of the New Zealand Government, 2022.
“We Need Difficult Conversations, Simon Sinek“, a video from YouTube website, 2022.
Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and interpret Jennifer Kerslake’s short
story “Tin Man”.
Part of your essay must focus on the use of contrasts in the story.
In addition your essay must include an analysis of the style of writing in lines
Your essay must include references to the short
Jennifer Kerslake. "Tin
Man", 2021
Answer 4A or 4B
Videoen i denne opgave er lavet af BBC.
Find og skriv fra videoens lydside i alt otte
forskellige adjektiver. Find og skriv:
“The Queen's advice on wearing a crown – BBC News”, 2018
I tekststykket er en række ord og led understreget. Besvar opgave a., b. og c. nedenfor. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Husk kildehenvisning, hvis du citerer fra en grammatikbog. Skriv dine svar på dansk.
a. Seks verballed er understreget. Skriv for hvert eksempel:
b. Ni adjektiver og adverbier er understreget.
c. Tre eksempler på foreløbigt subjekt er understreget.
Teksten er et uddrag af en novelle.
The house, to begin with, was a very old one. It had been, I believe, newly fronted about fifty years before; but with this exception, it had nothing modern about it. […] There had been very little done in the way of modernising details; and, perhaps, it was better so; for there was something queer and by-gone in the very walls and ceilings – in the shape of doors and windows – in the odd diagonal site of the chimney-pieces – in the beams and ponderous cornices – not to mention the singular solidity of all the woodwork, from the banisters to the window-frames, which hopelessly defied disguise, and would have emphatically proclaimed their antiquity through any conceivable amount of modern finery and varnish. […] The back bedroom, with its two queerly-placed melancholy windows, staring vacantly at the foot of the bed, and with the shadowy recess to be found in most old houses in Dublin, like a large ghostly closet, which, from congeniality of temperament, had amalgamated with the bedchamber, and dissolved the partition. At night-time, this “alcove” – as our “maid” was wont to call it – had, in my eyes, a specially sinister and suggestive character. Tom’s distant and solitary candle glimmered vainly into its darkness. There it was always over-looking him – always itself impenetrable. But this was only part of the effect. The whole room was, I can’t tell how, repulsive to me. There was, I suppose, in its proportions and features, a latent discord – a certain mysterious and indescribable relation, which jarred indistinctly upon some secret sense of the fitting and the safe, and raised indefinable suspicions and apprehensions of the imagination. On the whole, as I began by saying, nothing could have induced me to pass a night alone in it. J. Sheridan Le Fanu, ”An account of some strange disturbances in Aungier Street”, 1853 |
Besvar både opgave a. og b. nedenfor. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Husk kildehenvisning, hvis du citerer fra en grammatikbog. Skriv dine svar på dansk.
a. Find og skriv 11 forskellige pronominer fra teksten.
b. Skriv for hvert pronomen, hvilken undergruppe af pronominer det tilhører.
Teksten er et uddrag fra en roman.
He met his father in the lobby of the St Angelus and they walked up Chadbourne Street to the Eagle Cafe and sat in a booth at the back. Some at the tables stopped talking when they came in. A few men nodded to his father and one said his name. The waitress called everybody doll. She took their order and flirted with him. His father took out his cigarettes and lit one and put the pack on the table and put his Third Infantry Zippo lighter on top of it and leaned back and smoked and looked at him. He told him his uncle Ed Alison had gone up to the preacher after the funeral was said and shook his hand, the two of them standing there holding onto their hats and leaning thirty degrees into the wind like vaudeville comics while the canvas flapped and raged about them and the funeral attendants raced over the grounds after the lawnchairs, and he’d leaned into the preacher’s face and screamed at him that it was a good thing they’d held the burial that morning because the way it was making up this thing could turn off into a real blow before the day was out. Cormac McCarthy, from: All the Pretty Horses, 1992 |
Generel skabelon for henvisninger til teksterHenvisningerDu henviser til tekster ved enten 1) at angive linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i en fodnote eller ved 2) at sætte linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i parentes inde i din tekst: Ved én linje: l. 34 Ved flere linjer: ll. 35-37 Ved minuttalsangivelse: 01:23-02:12 I fodnoter angives: Opslag i bog “Hvad er et ‘utælleligt ord’?”. Helle Brieghel og Dorthe Chalotte Hansen. Engelsk Grundgrammatik. Questions and Answers. Systime 2010. p. 47. Opslag i elektronisk opslagsværk “Utællelige substantiver”. Thomas Boesen og Sarah Barding. Engram. Minlaering 2019. ( Artikel fra bog eller antologi “Post-Modernism”. Gitte Vest Barkholt and Jørgen Døssing Jepsen. A Short History of Literature in English. A Handbook. Systime 2010. pp. 79-93. |
Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
Tekster til assignment 4: 4A – Fiction: ”Tin Man”, a short story by Jennifer Kerslake, 2021. 4B – Non-fiction: ”Harvard Commencement Speech – Democracy, disinformation and kindness” a speech by Jacinda Ardern, 2022. ”We Need Difficult Conversations: Simon Sinek”, a video from YouTube website, 2022. |
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